

Student Education Services


DiscoverCore is an Academic Coaching organization that uses student cognitive data to build personalized academic and life habits that align with their brain. Typical curriculums focus on Cognitive Self-Discovery, Executive Functioning, Study and Learning Skills, Habit Development, and Stress Management. In the rush to find conceptual subject tutors and support, most students' approach to learning itself often goes underdeveloped and unrefined, resulting in efficiency loss and stress.

We use a 1-hr, industry certified cognitive assessment to help students explore who they are as a learner. Parents are given a consultation that supports understanding of their child on the brain level. The report delivers Memory, Complex Reasoning, Executive Functioning, and Efficiency data in a compact, digestible way.

DiscoverCore embodies the pedagogical philosophies of "Know yourself to grow yourself" and "Inspiring Eternal Learners," in pursuit of its mission to help students of all ages and backgrounds develop mastery of self.


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