doran+scalora college consulting

Ms Jennifer Scalora

Additional Info

Description of Services : I guide high school students (from 9-12th grades) with high school course selection, exploring extracurricular and summer programs, researching colleges on the web to devise a 'right fit' application schools list, designing the best college visits; building an application time-line, providing essay assistance (topic brainstorming, content, structure and vocabulary); developing a focused personal statement and/or detailed/expanded résumé, provide guidance on collecting letters of recommendation, and conduct interview preparation.
I have worked with transfer students and graduate school applicants, including MBA applicants.

Description of Experience : I have been an independent consultant since July 2014, when I retired from the University of Texas at Austin. I worked at the University of Texas for 28 years, almost entirely in student advising and admissions roles. I was the director of admissions for the Plan II Honors Program, a highly selective arts and sciences interdisciplinary honors major with an admissions application and review that was in addition to the University's admissions processes for fourteen years. I worked closely with the University's Office of Admissions, as well as with the other UT honors programs. I retired in June 2014 and started consulting with my business partner, Robin Doran, who was the former Head Dean at The Kinkaid School in Houston, TX.
Additionally, in my early years at UT Austin, I worked for five years with departmental graduate admissions in the College of Liberal Arts.


doran+scalora college consulting


doran+scalora college consulting
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