Learning Labs are virtual "roundtable" discussion groups focused on specific topics or areas of interest in educational consulting. Join a Learning Lab to share ideas, learn from other HECA members and advance the education consulting profession.
Learning Lab: Transfer Students
This Learning Lab is for any IEC who wants to know more about the various types of transfers: planned 2-year to 4-year vs. unplanned 4-year to another 4-year. Our discussions will cover advising students on whether or not to consider transfer, learning more about community colleges, and the common pitfalls to avoid in transfer preparation and applications.
Led by Jaime Smith
Meetings: Last Tuesday of every other month in 2025 at 10:00 am PST/1:00 pm ET
(Remaining Dates: May 27, July 29, Sept 30, and Nov 25, 2025)
Questions? jamie@jsmithiec.com
This is a FREE live webinar for HECA Members