Tour participants are required to stay at the tour hotels with the rest of the tour group.
Participants must arrive at the tour hotel in Philadelphia by 10:00 pm on Sunday, March 2. Tour ends at the Philadelphia International Airport at 2:00 pm on Friday, March 7.
We will be visiting
St. Joseph's University
Philadelphia, PA
Villanova University
Villanova, PA
Ursinus College
Collegeville, PA
Muhlenberg College
Allentown, PA
Lafayette College
Easton, PA
Lehigh University
Bethlehem, PA
Bryn Mawr College
Bryn Mawr, PA
Haverford College
Haverford, PA
Swarthmore College
Swarthmore, PA
Drexel University
Philadelphia, PA
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
Limit: 50 participants (including tour leaders)
Cost: $340
Payment due immediately: Please note that you must pay your tour registration fee as part of the registration process. Due to heavy demand for the tours, we are not able to hold your place if you delay payment.
Cancellation policy: There will be no refund if you cancel your participation in the tour and registrations are not transferable. Tour organizers must be notified of any cancellations by emailing
Full participation required: When you register for a tour, you make a commitment to participate in the entire tour and are required to:
Informal participation not permitted: Individuals not participating in the official tours may not join the events at the colleges or schedule individual tours on the same day.
Tour agreement: As part of registration, you will be asked to read the Gentle Reminders and agree to the College Tour Terms and Conditions. All participants will be required to sign a Tour Waiver form.
Compliance: Tour policies are provided in advance to avoid participants making arrangements outside of policy guidelines. Policies have been developed after much thought and consideration of fairness to members and volunteers. Not following policy may result in the loss of HECA College Tour privileges for one year. Thank you for your understanding of and respect for HECA tour policies and other HECA members.
What's Included
The tour price includes bus transportation between the hotel(s) and all the colleges, with final drop-off at the Philadelphia International airport. The price includes 4 breakfasts and 4 lunches. Lodging is not included and participants must pay to stay in the tour hotels for all nights and are responsible for their own lodging costs. See Hotel Information below.
Travel Arrangements
Arrival and Departure
Participants must arrive at the tour hotel in Philadelphia on Sunday, March 2 by 10:00 pm.
The tour ends at the Philadelphia International Airport on March 7th at 2:00 pm. All participants must participate until this time. Please do not book a flight departing earlier than 3:30 pm. You will be responsible for your own travel plans at the conclusion of the tour.
Please note that much thought and consideration goes into scheduling HECA tours. We take into account possible conflicts with major holidays (including religious observances), other professional development events, the college admissions timeline for HECA members, and the host college scheduling limitations. While we recognize that no schedule will work for everyone, we strive to be respectful of all concerns and offer events that will be valuable to HECA members.
Guests for the HECA Liberty Bell College Tour should fly into Philadelphia International Airport on Sunday, March 2nd.
Hotels - Hotel info & booking links will be sent in a post-registration email soon!
Each hotel block of rooms is contracted well in advance to keep costs as reasonable as possible and is based on full participation by tour members. HECA must guarantee a certain number of hotel rooms or incur a penalty. Participants must make their own hotel reservations but please do not book hotel rooms until you have registered for the tour itself.
Please reserve your room as early as possible, within two weeks after registering and identify yourself as part of the HECA tour to obtain the group rate. The HECA group rate is arranged as a courtesy but is not guaranteed. Be sure you understand each hotel's cancellation policy.
A block of single and double rooms has been contracted at each hotel(s) but participants are not guaranteed a particular room type. When reserving a double room, provide the hotel with the names of both tour participants. We are very limited in the flexibility of rooms reserved in the HECA block. If you reserve a double room for your sole use and we need the space, we reserve the right to move you to a single room.
HECA encourages rooming with others and provides a forum to arrange for this, but a roommate is not guaranteed. It is not HECA's responsibility to find roommates for participants. The Roommate Finder and list of tour participants willing to share their contact information are available on the HECA member website.
Sunday, March 2, 2025 (1 night)
Philadelphia Airport Marriott | One Arrivals Road, Terminal B, Philadelphia, PA 19153
HECA has negotiated a group rate of $179 + tax per night. Click here to make your reservation.
Monday, March 3, 2025 - Friday, March 7, 2025 (4 nights)
Hyatt House King of Prussia | 640 Mall Blvd, King of Prussia, PA 19406
HECA has negotiated a group rate of $145 + tax per night. Click here to make your reservation or call 1-800-993-4983 and reference the group code: G-HECA.
Please contact
- If you are rooming with another HECA member, provide the name of your roommate
- If your plans change and you cannot attend the tour (NOTE: You will be responsible for cancelling your travel plans)
- If you have questions regarding this tour